Evaluation of Effectiveness of Communication Channels Used to Create Awareness About Plant Clinics: Case of Kiambu County, Kenya
Plant clinics were modeled to bridge the gaps in access to extension services besides
providing real-time plant health diagnostic services to farmers in timely and appropriate
ways. However, studies show that awareness about the clinics is still very low among the
smallholders‘ farmers. This is despite the adoption by stakeholders, communication channels
supposed appropriate to create awareness about the clinics. This study strove to evaluate the
effectiveness of these channels to create awareness about plant clinics particularly in Kiambu
County. It also strove to assess the effects of farmers‘ socio-demographic characteristics on
their analysis and intentions to access information from awareness creation channels.
Probability proportional to size sampling was used to sample 130 farmers for household
interviews. Purposive and snow-balling sampling techniques were also used to sample 56
respondents for focus group discussions (FGDs) and four respondents for key informant
interviews (KIIs). Quantitative data from the household interviews were coded to form
indices for effectiveness of the communication channels. These were reinforced with
qualitative data from KIIs and FGDs and coherently evaluated to address the study
objectives. It also adopted a multiple regression model to determine the causal relationships
between farmers‘ socio-demographics characteristics and their evaluation index for
effectiveness of the channels. The study established that the communication channels used in
creating awareness about plant clinics are not very effective with mass media channels being
less effective than interpersonal channels. It also affirmed that farmers‘ socio-demographic
characteristics have significance on their analysis and intentions to access information from
channels of awareness creation. The study recommends capacity building to the players in
interpersonal channels on communication skills to create awareness effectively. It also
proposes the need to redesign most of the mass media channels and adopt awareness creation
policies and frameworks that meet the dynamics of the present communication setups
University of Nairobi
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