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Beyond the jab: Unravelling the complexities of vaccine adoption for East Coast Fever in rural Kenya
(University of Nairobi, 2025)East Coast Fever (ECF) is one of the leading causes of livestock mortality and reduced productivity across Eastern Africa, and while a live vaccine against it known as the Infection and Treatment Method has existed for ... -
Quality assessment of clinical practice guidelines in Kenya using the AGREE II tool: a methodological review
(University of Nairobi, 2023)Objective: To assess the quality of available and accessible national Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) in Kenya using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II) tool. Methods: We searched ... -
Influence of Principals’ Management of Institutional Facilities on Implementation of 100 Percent Transition Policy in Public Secondary Schools in Hamisi Sub County, Kenya
(university of nairobi, 2022)The drive for secondary school education to adapt to the highly dynamic and competitive environment, has led to refocusing of principals’ management of institutional facilities to improve performance in the schools. The ... -
Resource Management and Implementation of Development Projects: a Case of Productive Sector Development Project in Mogadishu, Somalia
(university of nairobi, 2022)When implementing development projects, the project resource manager is responsible for careful planning of finances, human resources, time and materials needed at every successive phase of the project. In Somalia, there ... -
Application of Big Data Technology in the Construction Industry in Kenya: a Case Study of Nairobi County
(University of Nairobi, 2021)The mere ability to capture large amount of data digitally, store, clean, analyze, and retrieve insightful information from the comfort of one’s keyboard in Kenya construction industry ignited this study. The focus is ... -
Changing Perspectives of Internal Migration in East Africa Revisited1
(University of Nairobi, 2022) -
Demographic Training in African Institutions Past, Present and Future
(University of Nairobi, 2022) -
A Study of Luo Ethnobotanical Terminology with Implications for Lexicographic Practice
(Lifelong Educational Materials Publishers, 2021)This study focusses on the study of Luo ethnobotanical terminology in a culture specific configuration. It takes into account the cultural and linguistic aspects of plant names and how their meanings are derived in the Luo ... -
Multiparty Democratisation Process in Africa, The Kenyan Experience
(University of Nairobi, 1992) -
Exploration of Cloud Computing Practices in University Libraries in Kenya
(University of Nairobi, 2016)Modern technological solutions are rapidly changing the information landscape in library and information establishments. One such innovative solution that is gaining momentum in information centers is cloud computing. The ... -
Women Candidates in Kenyan Electoral Politics
(University of Nairobi, 2020) -
The Gender Dimension of Electoral Politics in Kenya
(University of Nairobi, 1997)Women in politics - is there a difference? Would they fare differently compared to men? Women are socialized in a different way. They have the responsibility for the children; cannot run away and leave them behind as ... -
The Foreign Policy of Tanzania: From Cold War to Post-cold War
(University of Nairobi, 2018);:~as scholarly perspectives shift to studying the post-Cold War era ~ globalization, conditionalities, and the emergence of new issues shaping the foreign policies of African states, it should be underscored that ... -
NEPADS Resource Mobilization Strategy: the Gender Dimensions
(University of Nairobi, 2003)The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) is the most current in a long series of blueprints and policy frameworks aimed at laying the foundation for a viable path for Africa's socio- economic development. ... -
The Women's Movement and Democratic Change
(University of Nairobi, 2016)The debate on the state, democracy, and civil society in Africa has tended to ignore the gender dimension and has generally adopted a "genderneutral" perspective. For example, elections, campaigns, and party politics have ... -
Countering International Terrorism 21st Century Africa
(University of Nairobi, 2018) -
From the Women's Decade to Multi-Party Era:Women's Political Participation in Kenya
(University of Nairobi, 2016) -
Wearing Gender Responsive Media Lenses: Towards Gender Balanced Management, Coverage And Portrayal In The Kenyan Media
(University of Nairobi, 2002)This Manual is a second edition to the first published in 1997. This publication is the outcome of a collaborative project between NCSW and DANIDA, the launching pad of which was a two-day workshop which was held in ... -
African Diplomatic History, Practice and International Law
(University of Nairobi, 2016) -
Pattern and Clinical Presentation of Spondylodiscitis at Kenyatta National Hospital
(University of Nairobi, 2020)Background: Spondylodiscitis is rare, often diagnosed late and can present with devastating complications. Spondylodiscitis accounts for 2%–4% of all cases of bone infection. To date there is limited local data that ...