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dc.contributor.authorMagutu, Peterson O
dc.contributor.authorNyaoga,Richard B
dc.contributor.authorOndimu, Gladys M
dc.identifier.citationAfrican Journal of Business Management (AJBUMA) vol.1 2010en
dc.identifier.issn2079-410x IQM in Banking
dc.description.abstractInformation is not a byproduct, nor documentation. It is a direct product of processes that capture kn owledge about the persons, places, things and events discov ered while conducting business transactions.The maj or purposes of this study were to This study therefore investigated the effective information quality man agement practices employed by commercial banks to ensure su ccessful information management. The following rese arch questions were to be answered: which factors accura tely determine information quality management in th e banking sector? Which factors accurately determine successful information management in banksA survey research design sought information from various ban ks in Kenya to investigate the effective informatio n quality management practices employed by commercial banks t o ensure successful information management. The population of the study consisted of 44 commercial banks that are currently operating in Kenya . This study relied on both primary and secondary data. The que stionnaires were filled by the bank’s head of IT of the forty two commercial banks in Kenya in which the question naire had been administered. These questionnaire in puts were validated by at least two. Thus 100 questionna ires were dispatched. Following data collection, da ta were analyzed using descriptive statistics and factor an alysis. The use of descriptive statistics such as means and tables. Together with correlation analysis, factor analysis was done to establish the relationships a mong the study variables To make interpretation easier, a li near transformation on the factor solution, varimax rotation was done, which gave fewer components (factors) tha t are uncorrelated with one another. SPSS (Statisti cal Package for Social Scientists) was used to analyze the data. The factors that accurately determine the quality of information in the banking sector to a very great e xtent include: the easy to understand form in which Information is provided, the level and characterist ics of decision-making processes, the high quality of IS staff and the user-friendly operation of information syst ems. The factors were far too many, hence factor an alysis was used to reduce the variables, and the key facto rs that accurately determine the quality of informa tion in the banking sector include: quality of information syst ems in use & policy issues: information systems use rs, hardware and operation: presentation of the informa tion: budgetary and accuracy of information provisi on: quality networks and distribution systems: presenta tion of Information and decision making processes. Secondly, the factors that accurately determine suc cessful information management in the banking secto r to a very great extent: Information quality has enabled the computerization of managerial functions to a ve ry high level; Information quality has enhanced the bank's image within the context of distribution; Informati on quality has increased the bank's ability to deal with infor mation that is pertinent to its business processes; It is easy to obtain information on organization performance down to specific transactions; and The information kept complies with the contractual arrangements to which the bank business process is subject. Thus good qu ality information leads to successful information managem ent, where successful information management is see n as the benefits of using quality information
dc.titleAchieving successful Information Management through effective information quality management(IQM)In Banking services(Perspectives from Commercial Banks in kenyaen

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