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dc.contributor.authorSimidi, P. M
dc.contributor.authorNyamute, W
dc.contributor.authorOchieng, D. E
dc.contributor.authorBarasa, L
dc.identifier.citationSimidi, P. M (2021). Effect of governance on the relationship between external debt financing and economic growth among East Africa Community Member Countries. African Development Finance Journal. 5(1), 57-71en_US
dc.description.abstractGovernments borrow to finance budget deficits. Public debt and growth relationships can be both positive and negative.The main proponentsof public borrowingto bridge the domestic financial resources gapconfirmthat debt contributes to economic growth through capital accumulation.In the last two decades, the EAC member countries have witnessed unexplained disparities betweenrise in public debt levels andeconomic growth levels. Research studies conductedonthe relationships between debt and economic growthhavehoweverremained inconclusiveas some studies allude to positive, negative, U-shaped and dual causality relationshipsrespectively. This study used a lagged multiple linear regression model to establish the effect of governanceon the relationship betweenexternal debt financing andeconomic growth in the EAC member countriesusing the Baron and Kenny moderation testingapproach.Premised on the Keynesian, balanced growthand institutional corruption theories, the study embraceda panel longitudinal research designto examine the relationships.The study finds that 80.70% of variationsin sustainable economic growth are explained by variations in external debt, governance index andthe interaction term between external debt and governance index. The relationship between external debt and sustainable economic growth is positive but not statistically significant implying that a unit increases in external debt necessitates increase in sustainable economic growthby up to 0.043 units.The relationship between governance and sustainable economic growth is positive and statistically significant inferringthat a unit increase in governance raises sustainable economic growth by up to 11 units. Theinteraction term between governance and external debt exhibits a statistically significant relationship with sustainable economic growth which is however negative due to the negative governance indices in the region. The finding implies that a unit increasein external debt and governance decreases sustainable economic growth by up to 0.509 units.To benefit from theenvisagedpositive debt and growth nexus, Government policy makers should put in place efforts to improve the domestic debt market infrastructure and encourage domestic investor participation so as to benefit from the long term effects of debt finance.This should be reinforced with sound Country governance framework. Policy makers and external development partners should relook at the terms ofthe specific external borrowings channeled for development in the region.As a contribution to further research, a study should be modelled on the optimal mix of debt and the turning point (threshold) at which the positive effects of public debt reverts to negative effects. Also, sincegovernance indicators in the region are negative though the EAC member countries continue to attract external financing for development. A study should be designed to undertake a review on the effectiveness of the external debt covenants especially on clauses on governance and the consequences thereon on flouting the covenants. The study should review the types of covenants and the compliance by the governmentsen_US
dc.subjectExternal Debt Financing, Economic Growth, Sustainable Economic Growth, Governanceen_US
dc.titleEffect of governance on the relationship between external debt financing and economic growth among East Africa Community Member Countriesen_US

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