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dc.contributor.authorKoring’ura, J.C.
dc.contributor.authorAmollo, ,O. P.
dc.contributor.authorWanjala, G.
dc.identifier.citationAmollo, O. P., & Wanjala, G. (2024). Planned Teacher Participation In Pedagogy And Learner Achievement In Secondary Schools In West Pokot Kenya. Journal of Pedagogy, Andragogy and Heutagogy in Academic Practice, 5(1), 13-33.en_US
dc.description.abstractPlanned teacher participation in pedagogy, characterized by the systematic utilization of schemes of work, lesson plans, and diverse teaching methods, are structured frameworks which lay foundation for effective teaching and learning processes. Planned teacher participation in pedagogy is an approach that not only enhances teacher preparedness and effectiveness but also fosters an enriching and inclusive learning environment conducive for accelerated learning. A well-structured initiative targeting teacher participation, emphasizing the potential for improved instructional strategies and a positive learning environment is pivotal in enhancing learning outcomes. School administration initiatives that support teacher planning in pedagogy may significantly impact teaching and learning processes, enhancing teacher quality and overall education delivery. However, challenges such as time constraints and limited resources may hinder the meticulous crafting of schemes of work, potentially affecting the quality of instructions and learner outcomes. Also, lesson planning often faces practical constraints and insufficient training thus negatively impacts its quality. In this view, the study purposed to determine the effect of planned teacher participation in pedagogy and learner achievement in secondary schools in West Pokot Kenya. The specific objective of the study was to determine the effects of schemes of work, lesson plans and teaching methods on learner achievement in secondary schools in West Pokot County, Kenya. The study adopted a positivism paradigm within a quantitative framework to examine the impact of planned teacher participation in pedagogy on academic achievement in West Pokot County secondary schools. The mixed-method, descriptive survey research design involved 64 randomly selected schools, 64 principals, 366 teachers, and 64 BOM/PTA representatives. Data collection employed questionnaires and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), with quantitative analysis using SPSS and qualitative data undergoing transcription, organization, and thematic analysis. Ethical principles, including participant rights and confidentiality, were strictly adhered to throughout the study. The regression analysis revealed that the predictor variable of schemes of work did not show statistical significance at 95% Confidence Interval (CI), with a Beta coefficient of 0.044, a t-value of 1.198, and a p-value of 0.232. Similarly, teacher's preparation and use of lesson plan displayed lack of significance, (Beta coefficient of 0.073, a t-value of 1.798, and a p-value of 0.073 at 95% CI). In contrast, the predictor variable of teaching methods exhibited high statistical significance (Beta coefficient of 0.241, a t-value of 6.657, and a p-value of 0.000 at 95% CI), indicating its strong predictive power. The study underscores the complexity of educational practices, emphasizing the importance of considering multiple factors in understanding and improving learner achievement. The study recommendations included focusing on teacher training for effective pedagogical approaches, reviewing school-based planning practices, promoting context-specific planning, allocating resources for diverse teaching methods, and providing continuous professional development for educational leadership.en_US
dc.subjectPlanned teacher participation, teacher-learning, pedagogyen_US
dc.titlePlanned teacher participation in pedagogy and learner achievement in Secondary Schools in West Pokot Kenyaen_US

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