This paper seeks to discuss African Socialism (Guinea’s style) as one of the key determinants of Guinea's foreign policy. The analysis covers the period 1959 to 1973 Implicit in my discussion is the notion that other variables may equally be important in shaping Guinea's external policy. However, this paper does not in any way attempt to analyze these other variables, except in so far as they influence Guinea's ideological commitment to African Socialism The concept of 'African Socialism-Guinea style in this paper must therefore, be taken and understood to be one of the many such policy determining variables in Guinea’s foreign relations The paper is divided into four main chapters and conclusion the first chapter has dealt with the purpose of the thesis and the contribution of my research into the field of foreign policy studies It also tackles the Nature and Research Problems and also the leading Idea in the discussion. The chapter takes up the Definition of concepts^(the leading concepts in the discussion) and finally the Methodology and Limitations within the scope of this thesis Chapter two is mainly concerned with the evolution of Guinea’s Foreign Policy (1958-1973) and mainly gives ahistorical and analytic account of the Guinean policy process*^It does not, however discuss Guinea's foreign policy structure Literature review; Guineans continental (African) policy; Guinea’s policy towards the Rest of the continent; Guinea's Extra-continental policy; and finally Guinea's policy in issue-areas.
- Faculty of Arts [770]