The Role of Monetary Policy on Longrun Economic Growth and the Implication on Kenya’s Vision 2030 Economic Pillar
This study set out to determine the role of monetary policy on economic growth in Kenya over the period 1980 -2011. The objectives were to describe the nature of monetary policy in Kenya and to determine the impact of monetary policy on economic growth and the implications on possibilities of achieving the economic growth of 10 percent as per the Vision 2030. The study used the Levine and Renelt model to show the impact of monetary policy on economic growth using the time series data. The model was formulated by employing the GDP growth rate as the dependent variable and growth in money supply as the variable of interest. Before the regression analysis using Ordinary Least Square (OLS), the model was subjected to Stationarity and Cointegration tests using the Augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF) and the Johansen approach.
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