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dc.contributor.authorMbaya, Ann K
dc.description.abstractAgriculture plays a very significant role in social economic development of most African countries. The sector is a key contributor to economic growth, employment creation, and foreign exchange earnings. Despite the critical role it plays, one of the biggest obstacles to realizing its full potential is lack of market information. This includes paucity knowledge and expertise in contemporary agronomy techniques, faulty information conveyance, particularly regarding best farm practices, and a scarcity of linkages linking extension workers, researchers, farmers, markets, and processors. Specifically, due to inadequate market information potato smallholder farmers in Meru County are facing diverse production and marketing constraints which limit their productivity. Therefore, the study sought to understand the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in market information access among smallholder potato farmers in Buuri Sub County, Meru County. The study intended to understand how ICT is aiding smallholder potato farmers address inadequate market information through enhanced communication, transmission of relevant and timely information and services. Descriptive design was appropriate for the study, necessitating detailed description of a phenomenon. The study adopted purposive sampling where 60 viazisoko digital platform members were selected from the three farmers’ groups in Buuri sub-county. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in data collection including questionnaires and KIIs as the approaches complemented each other. The key findings of the study were: All 60 potato farmers agreed agricultural market information is crucial throughout the potato value chain. However, due to declining extension services, this has created an opportunity for digital agricultural platforms like Viazisoko to bridge this information gap by empowering farmers to adeptly respond to opportunities. Consequently, the ICT tools are becoming an effective channel that can serve all farmers surpassing age and gender divide. The majority of farmers perceive information derived from the app as reliable, useful, and accurate. The major positive effects garnered by potato farmers via utilization of the platform were increased production and improved quality of produce. However, increased risks and uncertainty linked to climate change and high cost of production have persisted notwithstanding utilization of the app. Farmers’ access to the agricultural digital platforms is hampered by lack of infrastructure, low literacy levels, and power outages especially in rural areas. Therefore, agriculture is an information-intensive sector that demands farmers to be knowledgeable about modern farming technologies along the value chain in order to thriveen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleThe Role of Information and Communication Technology (Ict) in Market Information Access Among Smallholder Potato Farmers in Buuri Sub County, Meru County. A Case Study of Viazisoko Digital Platformen_US

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