dc.description.abstract | Poverty is a multi-faceted and intricate phenomenon that includes not only economic aspects for instance income and consumption but also non-monetary dimensions like health, education, access to water and gender equality. Many factors determine poverty. These factors exhibit regional variations, influenced by the diverse developmental levels of countries. These factors extend beyond economic considerations to encompass political, social, geographical, and cultural aspects. In Kenya, western region has recently witnessed increased higher rates of poverty. The region is characterized by good climatic condition giving the residents an opportunity to practice mixed farming. The central region also practices agriculture but the region records very low poverty rates. This study is therefore interested in determining the determinants of poverty in the western region so as to suggest policies that can reduce the high levels of poverty. To achieve this objective the study estimates a logit model using Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey. The result reveal that education and area of residence influence poverty in the region. The study also reveals varied levels of poverty among the counties in the region. The study therefore suggests formulation of policies that will enhance education in the region. This is through creation of good educational infrastructure. There is also the need to enhance vocational and technical training education so as to equip the youth with relevant skills. There is also need for policy makers to create opportunities for individuals residing in rural areas as a way of mitigating high poverty rates among them. Lastly, there is need for each county to initiate county specific poverty reducing strategies given the variation in poverty levels. | en_US |