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dc.contributor.authorMaingi, Damian M
dc.identifier.citationInternational Mathematical Forum, Vol. 6, 2011, no. 8, 389 - 398en
dc.description.abstractLet k an algebraically closed field and R the homogeneous coordinate ring of Pn and ΩPn the cotangent bundle of Pn. In this paper I prove that for a given set S of s general points in Pn then the evaluation map H0 Pn,ΩPn(l) −→ s i=1 ΩPn(l)|Pi is of maximal rank. Implying that a0 = 0 or b0 = 0 so that a0b0 = 0 as conjectured by Anna Lorenzini [4, 5] see below · · · −−−→ R(−d − 2)b1 R(−d − 1)a0 −−−→ R(−d − 1)b0 R(−d)(d+n n )−s −−−→ IS −→ 0 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13D02, 16E05en
dc.subjectElementary Transformations,en
dc.subjectCotangent Vector Bundleen
dc.titleMaximal Rank for ΩPnen
local.publisherThe School of Mathematics University of Nairobien

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