Aspects on the role of public relations in the management of special Libraries: A case study of African institute for capacity development (AICAD) Library
This study endeavors to analyze the effects of Public Relations (PR) in improving library services at African Institute for Capacity Development (AI CAD) this being one of the special libraries being used for poverty reduction information by the three East African countries in the region, that is, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
The concept of public relations as has been practiced and developed over the years by varied organizations is first presented. The historical perspectives of PR was important to understand in order to focus into the current efforts by AICAD to reach out to its clients in a more efficient and effective approach than before.
The research set to find out how communication which is vital in any program is carried out, how staff relate with users, the kind of library services provided, the type of library promotion activities carried out, whether the staff are motivated to work, the nature of library stock and library accessibility among others
The main purpose of the study was to explore the role of PR in the management of library services at AICAD library. The study was also expected to bring out the type ofPR techniques in use in the library. .....
Interviews were carried out in person by the researcher, with formulated questions that acted as interview guides. Use of questionnaires and surveys to capture ideas and suggestions from various library users was also used as some of the research methods.
The findings revealed that there was a form of PR in the library. The researcher noted with satisfaction for instance that, there was increased individualised service to users by staff. Majority of the staff accompany users to the place where they can retrieve whatever material they need. It was also found out th~t more often than not, the members of staff are at their respective place and do not wonder around. Hence the users find staff at their respective places whenever they require
any form of assistance. The staff are also said to be approachable, understanding and friendly. Consequently, the users happily retorted that they felt at ease and free to ask for assistance.
The chief librarian was unknown to users. All the users interviewed indicated that they did not know who he was. The chief librarian, on his part, consented that too much administrative chores left him with no time to leave his office to meet the users. The researcher however advised the librarian that, he should, once in a while, leave his desk and go round the library on a meet the people tour. It is only through such forums that he would learn and have a real feel of how the system worked. Otherwise, waiting for his assistants to keep him informed about how the service was running may not be the ideal method. PR calls for an interpersonal relationship between all involvedin a system.
In order to redress the shortcomings cited and enhance the effectiveness of the service, a number of recommendations were made. These included:
1. That the library should train their staff in PR
2. That the management should vary channels of communication to meet diverse needs.
3. That, users should be encouraged to make use of the suggestion box.
4. That the library should carry out frequent needs assessment as a method of appraising staff.
5. That the opening hours of the library should be extended to meet user requirements.
The data collected was analyzed using the statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS). Through the use of the software, it was possible to generate descriptive statistics and tabulate data in an easy to interpret method
A research project submitted to the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences InPublisher
Department of Arts- Communication