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dc.contributor.authorWango, Geoffrey Mbugua
dc.identifier.citationWango, GM. 2011. Kenya New Constitution and Education: Education in Kenya Under the New Constitution.en
dc.description.abstractThis paper argues that the natu re, organization structure and underpinning principles of the Kenyan Education System will undergo several ch anges in line with the new Constitution. The existing education structure and pr inciples are examined via a brief of anticipated development interpreted within the new Cons titution, while comparisons are made between existing principles and values derived from various countries. Majo r highlights include the following. (1) School year to start in September and end in July. (2 ) Education in pre-school , primary and secondary school constitute basic education, free and compul sory. (3) Ministries re sponsible for education be merged, in charge of educ ation administration and perform a coordination and supervisory role. (4) Appointment of a senior education offi cer as County Director of Education (CDE) in charge of education in the County. (5) Pare nts and communities be more empowered by a management Board of Governors that constitutes parents, teachers, school sponsor and members of the local community. (6) Teacher Training Co lleges offer a Diploma in Education or Post Graduate Diploma in Education and not a Certif icate course. (7) Children should begin school at five years for pre-unit. Pre-unit should be part of basic education, free and compulsory. Teachers in pre-unit be posted and paid by the Teach ers Service Commission (TSC) though can be recruited at County level with guidance from TSC. (8) Counties be encouraged to construct quality houses to attract and retain teachers. (9) Children be required to produce a birth certificate for admission in school. (10) Parents and/ or guardian be sued for failure to take a child to school. (11) Harmonization of all Acts on Education, rese arch and traini ng and hence a new Education Act. The new Education Act would be more comprehensive and establish the role and functions of various corporate such as CH E, HELB, JKF, KESI, KIE, KISE, KLB, KNEC and TSC, ascertain the role of principals and he ad teachers, and a redefinition of the Board of Management.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi.en
dc.subjectKenya Education Systemen
dc.subjectEducation Acten
dc.titleKenya New Constitution and Education: Education in Kenya Under the New Constitutionen
dc.typeWorking Paperen
local.publisherDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of ArtsUniversity of Nairobien

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