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dc.contributor.authorRodrigues, A.J
dc.contributor.authorGovinda, S
dc.identifier.citationA.J. Rodrigues and S. Govinda (2003). Towards an integrated management information system: A case of the University of Mauritius. Information Technology for Development, Volume 10, Number 1/2003en
dc.description.abstractThe University of Mauritius completed the setting up of a modern Local area network in September 1996. Having successfully implemented traditional services such as e-mail, Internet browsing and sharing of resources, the University developed and implemented an Integrated Management Information System in order to support an increasingly dynamic academic and administrative environment. This paper describes the various processes involved in the building of an Integrated MIS for a University in a small developing country that faces serious economic challenges. A background of the motivations for introducing a computerized MIS is provided followed by the decision-making process of whether to build an in-house MIS or to procure one. The paper also explains the methodology used and the systems that have been developed and integrated in a prioritized and phased manner using economic principles.en
dc.titleTowards an integrated management information system: A case of the University of Mauritiusen
local.publisherInstitute of Computer Science, University of Nairobien
local.publisherCentre for Information Technology and Systems, University of Mauritiusen

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