The Influence of Infrastructure on the pattern of urban growth: A Case study of waste management in Chuka town
'This study has been presented in order of introduction,
background of the study area Government Policies on
infrastructure provision and urban development., current.
infrastructural facilites in Chuka, waste Chuka,
findings recommendat.ions and conclusions.
This study sets out to establish and test the relationship
between infrastructural facilities and growth small urban
centres. Road network, water supply and electricity were singled
out as most important for study. However, the study narrowed down
to waste management in Chuka which constitute the key component.
of the study. TIle relat.ionships between infrastructure and
various deveIopment.a were eat.ab.lLsh, It was found out different
physical deveIopment.a and economic activities of the town follow
t.he road network. This is supported by the facts activities tend
to concent.rate along the main routes; that is along TImci-Nkubu
Road, KaanwaRoad and Kiangondu Road.
The findings show that it is importance to plan for
installation of basic infrastructure facilities such as roads
network, water supply and electricity to go hand in hand wit.h the
rate of physical deveIopment. of the town. Waste management in
particular ought to be given special attention of it.s potential
to degrade environment and harbour disease carrying organisms is
not properly handled.
University Of Nairobi