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dc.contributor.authorMukungu, Peter R
dc.description.abstractTanzania is not the only country that has transferred her National Capital for the sake of both decongesting Commercial and Industrial activities and to accelerate the development of the rural areas that are still much more backward than others. Many countries in the world such as Canada, Australia, India and Pakistan have had such a move for similar reasons. Dodoma region located in the centre of the country is one of the arid regions and the less economically developed in the country. It lacks both agricultural and industrial investments. One of the aims of the Capital transfer is to transform the city district and its immediate hinterland into a such more economically viable area. The Capital Transfer must therefore contribute to rural regional development. The rural surroundings should exploit the capital in terms of employment opportunities, improved roads linkages, and better infrastructural services. There will be many civil servants moving to Dodoma, and already more than one thousand civil servants have moved to Dodoma town. The immediate rural population of the town in terms of foodstuffs particularly vegetables, carrots, potatoes, and so on. The livestock produce from the Villages should be able to roach easily the town population. This will require the roads particularly the feeder roads to be improved. In building the city, there will be many construction activities since offices and residential houses as well as infrastructural services will have to be constructed to accommodate not only the in—coning civil servants from Dar as Salaam but also those who are already there. The construction sector has already attracted and will continue to attract many semiskilled and the unskilled people from the Ujamaa Villages. A factory for bricks and tiles under the Capital Development Authority has already been established since 1977 and it has started operating. Many more other factories such as the quarry plant, wood, and cronies have reached the first stage in their constructions. It is therefore evident that the industrial and the construction sectors already established in Dodoma since the transfer of the capital will be centres of attraction for people from the rural areas particularly from the immediate hinterland such as the Dodoma urban district.
dc.titleThe consequences of the transfer of the national capital from Dar Es Salaam to Dodoma on the ujamaa villages within the capital districten_US

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