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dc.contributor.authorMwangi, Richard Ngugi
dc.description.abstractIn recent years the property market in Kenya bas changed a lot in terms of building cost and the price of land. Many investors and individuals are now investing in the real estate industry. This has led to a situation where many private developers building apartments and selling them to individuals. Many Kenyans are now able to access mortgage loans from the banks and buy such property. This project looked at the current stale of the Kenyan cadastre with an aim of coming up with an up-to-date online cadastre that can be accessed by anyone with internet access. An internet user is however required to register online and provide a national ID number because of privacy and security. The study area of the project is Nyeri county. The project uses geo-database to generate queries. SQL server is also used to design the database and the database is exported to ArcGlS for analysis and to generate queries. The database can also be accessed online through a browser. The user can be able to view the parcel details online. Maps are also generated online through a map server. Querying of the database can also be done online. The project uses fifty sample parcels to demonstration of the cadastre results. There are two tables that demonstrate the results; that is the parcels and buildings tables. The results can be viewed both locally and online. The project concludes by looking at some benefits of an online cadastre and gives recommendations in respect of the Kenyan cadastre.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleOnline cadastre: a case study of Nyeri Countyen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MSc)en_US

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