Factors affecting adoption of Nerica rice by smallholder farmers in Mwea, Kenya
In the past decade, a lot of emphasis has been placed on revitalizing agriculture
as the engine for economic growth in Kenya. Technological advancements
such as introduction of NERICA rice are necessary for agricultural
development, but not a sufficient step towards increased food production per se
unless adopted. This study aims to fill the knowledge gap and to assess the link
between NERICA rice adoption by small scale farmers in Mwea, Kirinyaga
County. The study uses primary data which is subjected to a predictive design
so as to give insight into the factors influencing adoption of NERICA. A semi
structured questionnaire was used to collect data and a probit regression model
used for analysis. Descriptive analysis shows that NERICA rice adopters have
more exposure to formal education than the non-adopters and rely more on
family labor than hired labor. Regression analysis shows that farmers' decision
to adopt NERICA rice is positively influenced by total land owned, labor
availability and input market. However adoption is negatively influenced by
distance to the nearest extension service provider. It therefore seems that
targeting farmers with access to more resources such as land and labor is likely
to enhance the adoption of NERICA rice in the study area. Further, increasing
uptake of extension services by bringing providers closer to farmers in Mwea is
likely to boost adoption. Eventually these policy measures are likely to
contribute towards increased rice production by benefiting agricultural
stakeholders such as the producers and the government therefore enhancing
food security in the country.
Optimimization of Agricultural Value Chains for sustainable DevelopmentSponsorhip
National Council of Science and Technology, The Kenya Seed CompanyPublisher
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nairobi
aGRO 2011 Biennial Conference presentation