Land cover and land use mapping and change detection of Mau complex in Kenya using geospatial technology

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Ayuyo, Isaac O
Sweta, Leonard
Show full item recordAbstract
The significance of the Mau complex is viewed within the context of the en
ormous biodiversity of flora and fauna. We
evaluate land cover and use chan
ges from 1973 to year 2010 through creation of geospa
tial tool for change detection. Analysis i
carried out on trend of changes
over this period with focus of identifying hum
an activities responsible
for these changes as we
ll as the
environmental impacts associated with th
e changes. Supervised classification has b
een applied on Landsat images of 1973, 1986,
and 2010 with classification scheme of three main classes namely
- forestland, other vegetation, and non-vegetated land. Post
classification of both visual and area com
parisons were done to get information on th
e trends, rates and m
agnitude of land cove
r and
land use changes in the Mau forest comple
x over time. A variation in the greenness of
the vegetation present
in the pixel over
time was
done through normalized difference in vegetation inde
x (NDVI) with density slices ranging from 0.25
m to 1.00
m (range of
vegetation cover). The results of the study have showed that changes in land use and land cover had occurred in all the 22 bloc
ks of
Mau forest complex and resulted in the reduction of forest cover. It was further revealed that there was relationship between i
ncrease in
population and decrease in forest cover and
that, steep slopes were cleared of their fo
rest as land use changed and subsequent
loss of
biodiversity and partly led to redu
ction in rainfall and subsequent decrease in river discharge
Ayuyo, I. O. A., & Sweta, L. (2014). Land Cover and Land Use Mapping and Change Detection of Mau Complex in Kenya Using Geospatial Technology. International Journal.Publisher
University of Nairobi