Now showing items 4041-4060 of 4283

    • Stability of anthocyanin sensitized ti02 photoelectrochemical (pec) solar cells prepared by sol gel process 

      Simiyu, J; Aduda, BO; Mwabora, J M (Department of Physics, University of Nairobi, 2002)
      Highly porous dye sensitized Ti02 thin film solar cells have been prepared hy the sol gel process. Sensitization was achieved by use of anthocyanin pigment extracted from delphinidin purple and cyanidin 3-5 diglucose ...
    • Temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of a grog modified Kenyan kaolinite refractory 

      Kirnani, J.N; Aduda, Bernard O (Department of Physics. University of Nairobi., 2004)
      Thermal conductivity values, in the temperature range 300 - 1200 K, have been measured in air and at atmospheric pressure for a Kenyan kaolinite refractory with 0% - 50% grog proportions. The experimental thermal conductivity ...
    • Velocity of elastic waves in porous ceramic materials: influence of pore structure 

      Aduda, Bernard O; Boccaccini, A. R (Department of Physics, University of Nairobi,Department of Materials, Imperial College London,, 2003)
      A review has been undertaken of recently published data on ultrasonic velocity-porosity for a variety of porous ceramic materials, including information on pore structure. These experimental data have been compared with ...
    • Thermal conductivity of a kaolinite refractory: effect of a plant-derived organic binder 

      Ogacho, A.A; Aduda, Bernard O; Nyongesa, F.W (Department of Physics, University of Nairobi,, 2003)
      The effect of corchorus olitorius derived binder on the effective thermal conductivity of a kaolinite-based refractory was investigated. Strong dependence of (effective) thermal conductivity of fired samples on the binder ...
    • Unitary Equivalence of the Unilateral Shift 

      Simiyu, Achiles; Mile, Justus; Rao, G K. R. (2008)
      Shifts (including the simple unilateral and bilateral ones) are a basic tool in operator theory. The unilateral shift in particular, has many curious properties, both algebraic and analytic. The techniques for discovering ...
    • Similarity of Operators in a Hilbert Space 

      Mile, Justus K; Simiyu, Achiles N; Rao, G K. R (2008)
      One of the earliest non-trivial results about similarity is Nagy's converse: if A is invertible and both A and A -I are power bounded, then A is similar to a unitary operator. If A and B are operators. and if at least one ...
    • W2 -recurrent Lp-sasakian Manifold 

      Pokhariyal, G. P.; Moindi, S. K.; Nzimbi, BM (School of Mathematics College of Biological and Physical Sciences University of Nairobi, 2012)
      In this paper, we study the properties of the W2 -recurrent LPSasakian manifold. We prove symmetric and skew-symmetric properties of the W2 -curvature tensor.
    • The Application of the Method of Horace to Get Number of Generators for an Ideal of s General Points in P4 

      Maingi, Damian M. (2010)
      Let S be a general set of s points in P4, and R the homogeneous coordinate ring of P4. Then the ideal of S, IS has a minimal free resolution of the form: 0 −−−→ F3 −−−→ F2 −−−→ F1 −−−→ F0 −−−→ IS −−−→ 0 where Fp = R(−d ...
    • On the Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure and Multinomial Lattices with Cumulants 

      Seera, Cyrus; Ivivi, Ssebugenyi; Mwaniki, Joseph; Konlack, Virginie S. (2012)
      In this article, we describe with relevant examples based on empirical data how to use the minimal entropy martingale measure (MEMM) to price European and American Options in multinomial lattices which take into account ...
    • On Modelling and Pricing Rainfall Derivatives with Seasonality 

      Leobacher, Gunther; Ngare, Philip (2011)
      We are interested in pricing rainfall options written on precipitation at specific locations. We assume the existence of a tradeable financial instrument in the market whose price process is affected by the quantity of ...
    • Study of non-normal operators in a complex Hilbert space 

      Mile, Justus K.; Rao, G. K. R.; Ogonji, John A; Simiyu, Achiles N (2008)
      This paper is on some special characteristics of non-normal operators. We first seek to show that if a bounded operator Tis paranormal: what about Tl? Here its enough to find aTE 8(H) for which Tl is not hyponormal but ...
    • On commutants and operator equations 

      Khalagai, J.M.; Kavila, M. (School of Mathematics University of Nairobi, 2012)
      Let B(H) denote the algebra of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert Space H into itself. Given A,B ∈ B(H) define C(A,B) and R(A,B) : B(H) −→ B(H) by C(A,B)X = AX − XB and R(A,B)X = AXB − X. Our task in this note is to ...
    • Maximal Rank for ΩPn 

      Maingi, Damian M (The School of Mathematics University of Nairobi, 2011)
      Let k an algebraically closed field and R the homogeneous coordinate ring of Pn and ΩPn the cotangent bundle of Pn. In this paper I prove that for a given set S of s general points in Pn then the evaluation map H0 ...
    • Indifference Pricing of Contingent Claims on NIG L´evy Model 

      Ngare, Philip (2012)
      We develop an attractive and tractable model to describe the financial time series of stock prices observed at the Nairobi exchange market then price financial derivatives on the underlying stock. The stock price process ...
    • some examples of on-normal operators in a hilbert space 

      Mile, Justus; Ogonji, John; Rao, Radhakrishna (2009)
      A normal operator has been an object of much study in an operator theory and posses many nice properties and non-normal operators can be classified according to their satisfying some of these properties. Accordingly, ...
    • Group screening design-A comparative approach 

      Manene, M.M; Mwangi, A.K (2005)
      This paper discusses group screening methods developed by different authors.A procedure for assesing their applicability and suitability is suggested.Using the expected number of runs as a criterion bound for proportions ...
    • Estimating IBNR Claims Reserves for General Insurance Using Archimedean Copulas 

      Weke, Patrick; Ratemo, Caroline (School of Mathematics, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya, 2013)
      Claims reserving for general insurance business has developed significantly over the recent past. There has always been a slight mystery in short-term insurance contracts of how to go about reserving for claims, which ...
    • On spectral properties of -commuting operators in Hilbert spaces 

      Khalaghai, J.M; Kavila, M (School of Mathematics, University of Nairobi, 2012)
      Let B(H) denote the Banach algebra of bounded linear operators on a complex Hilbert space H and let A;B 2 B(H) satisfying the equation; AB = BA; 2 C;AB 6= 0, where C denotes the complex number eld. In this case A and ...
    • Applications of mathematics in social and biological sciences 

      Ganesh, P. Pokhariyal (School of Mathematics, University of Nairobi, 2012)
      The infinte and elegant universe has inspired wise-men in societies to formulate and develop mathematical concepts throughout history. It has served survival needs, been used in conflicts, art and music. Mathematics ...
    • Recombinant Rhipicephalus appendiculatus gut (Ra86) and salivary gland cement (Trp64) proteins as candidate antigens for inclusion in tick vaccines: protective effects of Ra86 on infestation with adult R. appendiculatus 

      Saimo, M; Odongo, DO; Mwaura, S; Vlak, J M; et al (School of Biological Sciences, 2011)
      Rhipicephalus appendiculatus gut protein Ra86 (variants Ra85A and Ra92A) and the salivary gland cement protein (Trp64) were expressed in the baculovirus-insect cell system. The recombinant gut proteins expressed as soluble ...