Accommodating the youth in Africa's development agenda: examination of reforms in sports and entertainment sector
Detailed information on the situation of youth in Africa is not available. There is increasing concern that large sections of young people have become marginalized or are excluded from education, healthcare, housing, leadership and even promotion of talent based activities such as arts and sports which has great potential in shaping up their livelihood status and their dignity.
For the poor youth in Africa, doing nothing is not an option at times of acute basic needs such as food, housing and clothing. Capitalistic nature and lack of supportive welfare systems in urban areas is compounding the survival of the youth. Most Government are now recognizing the important role played by youth. Sports and entertainment sector is becoming a beacon of hope for alleviating challenges facing the youth.
The Paper uses ethnographic approach- whose intent is provision of a detailed, in-depth description of youth in everyday life and practice.
Paper Presented in College Des Benardins in Paris, France on 23rd/8/2011. Proceedings of Paris 2011-Homeless World Cup Symposium.
OPIYO MRROMANUSOTIENO. "Accommodating the Youth in Africa's Development Agenda: Examination of Reforms in Sports and Entertainment Sector.". In: Paris 2011 World Cup in Paris, France. College Des Benardins Paris, France : Kenya Met Soc; 2011.Publisher
University of Nairobi