2nd AFRICE International Conference
Africa for Research in Comparative Education (AFRICE) in collaboration with the College of Education and External Studies, University of Nairobi is pleased to announce the 2 AFRICE International Conference to be held on the 18 and 19 June 2015. The conference will be held at Kenya Science Campus- Ngong Road.
This announcement also serves as an invitation for call for papers.
Authors/scholars are invited to submit papers in any one of the sub-themes listed below. Emphasis should be given on the future of education in Africa by reflecting beyond the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Postgraduate education students are highly encouraged to submit papers.
For more information visit:
Dr. Daniel K. Gakunga
Department of Educational Foundations
University of Nairobi
Kenya, Vice President AFRICE
and Conference Coordinator
Email: info@africe.org;dept-edfoundations@uonbi.ac.ke
Telephone: +254 728 088020
- Central Administration [409]