dc.description.abstract | Conference Theme: Optimization of Agricultural Value Chains for Sustainable Development
aGRO 2011 aims to bringtogether diverse expertise and experiences from researchers, policy makers, producers, processers and traders in the agricultural sector. These stakeholders will share research findingsandexperiencesinscientificandtechnicalsessionsorganizedasplenarysessions,breakawaysessionsforvarioussubthemes,postersandexhibitions.Thisforumwill helptoshed light on future research and development approaches that will have an impact on sustainable agricultural productivity and reduce inefficiencies in agricultural value chains. Theconferencetheme is in line with the Government’s development goals as provided in Vision 2030. The conference is an important tool for enhancing dissemination of information and will lead to the transfer of technologies and innovations for commercialization and integration into the agricultural sector.
Conference venue:College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (Upper Kabete Campus), the 8-4-4 Building
Important dates
l Deadline for abstract submission – 30th July, 2011
l Notification of acceptance – 31st July
l Registration deadline – 10th September 2011
l Conference dates – 26th to 28th September
l Deadline for full paper submission – 2nd December 2011 | en_US |