dc.description.abstract | At present and in some years to come,discussions on human settlements abound at the international, re~ional and national levels in Kenya. It is fortunate for Nairobi, in particular, to be a centre of activities on shelter with the headquarters of United Nations Centre on Human Settlements (UNCHS) and on that account also a focal point of discussions on the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless to be held in Nairobi in 1968; the recent Iv instituted headquarters for Shelter Afrique will also create fora for discussions, on a regional scale, amongst other issues, on disibursement of funds for housina development in African countries. Within the environment of
global economic recession, accelerated growth in population and exuandino urban settlements - planning emphases lie on maximization of resources, usina the self-help potential and varied finance mechansms to increase | en_US |