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dc.contributor.authorOwino, Gordon
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to establish the institutional factors influencing drought mitigation process in Makueni County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the influence of drought management planning, budget allocation, management skills and modern technologieson drought mitigation process in Drought Management Programme in Makueni County, Kenya. Drought mitigation process intervention strategies are used to avoid or reduce drought severity. However, these processes are poor managed and unreliable. Drought mitigation process in Makueni County has been inconsistent and poorly carried out. The fight on drought has been challenged by lack of proper institutional mechanisms that ensure well-coordinated systems to counteract the challenge. Most droughts strike unawares leading to a multiplechallenge because we lack institutional mechanisms to deal with such challenges. The study was grounded on the community empowerment model and adaptation theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The population under consideration which is the unit of analysis comprised of 269 respondents from National drought management Authority, Kenya Red Cross, German Agro Action, Utooni Development services, Anglican development services, County Government (Agriculture, water, Health and livestock) as well as Community religious and administrative leaders. A sample population of 94 was arrived at by calculating the target population of 269 with a 95% confidence level and an error of 0.05 using the Nassiuma (2000) formula. The study selected the respondents using stratified proportionate random sampling technique. Primary data was obtained using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires were self- administered through drop and pick later method. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 25.0). All the questionnaires received were referenced and items in the questionnaire were coded to facilitate data entry. After data cleaning which entailed checking for errors in entry, descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, mean score and standard deviation were estimated for all the quantitative variables. Multiple regression analysis was used to establish the relations between the independent and dependent variables. The information was presented in form of frequency tables. The study found out that existing local needs influence drought mitigation process in a great extent. In addition, the study also found out that networks available and political commitment influence drought mitigation process in a moderate extent. The study found that amount of funds in a great extent influence drought mitigation process. The study found that leadership style influences the drought mitigation process in a great extent. In addition, the study found that professional skills, technical expertise and experience influence the drought mitigation process in a moderate extent. The study found that statistical control and control technological capabilities influence the drought mitigation process in a great extent.Finally, the study concluded that management skills had the greatest influence on drought mitigation process followed by drought management planning in Makueni County, Kenya, followed by modern technologies then budget allocation had the least influence on drought mitigation process.The study recommends that there is need for policy change to increase community’s participation and decision making in resource conservation and protection. The current national policies relevant to community development are top-down. Some of these polices are ASAL development Policy (2010) and National Disaster Policy (2010). community and their representatives have to be consulted and involved in the planning, formulation and implementation of programmes that affect their life and livelihood. The study found that inadequate financial and logistical support to different government departments in the county has curtailed implementation of different mitigation measures. The government should increase financial support and provide adequate logistical support to various departments relevant for drought management in the Countyen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectInstitutional factors influencing drought mitigation process in drought management programme in Kenya, a case of Makueni County, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleInstitutional factors influencing drought mitigation process in drought management programme in Kenya, a case of Makueni County, Kenyaen_US

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