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dc.contributor.authorMbogo, Simon M.
dc.description.abstractThe realization of the significant role of quality education in economic growth and development of nations has led to the shift in focus in education development from access to its quality. Education in developing countries is characterized by high dropout and grade repetition rates, low enrollments and completion rates and poor test scores. One key feature, among others, of Kenyan secondary education is mass failure in the KCSE despite the government efforts to improve on quality of education. The intent of this study was to establish the influence of human resource staffing levels; adequacy of physical facilities; adequacy of teaching/learning resources; and adequacy of finances on ratio of quality grades; dropout rate; repetition rate; enrolments and completion rates. The study attempts to answer the following questions: What is the influence of human resource staffing levels on quality of education in public day secondary schools in Embu County? What is the impact of adequacy of physical facilities on quality of education in public day secondary schools in Embu County? How does adequacy of teaching and learning resources influence quality of education in public day secondary schools in Embu County? How does adequacy of financial resources affect the quality of education in public day secondary schools in Embu County? The study employed correlational research design. The study targeted 192 principals, 1743 teachers and 35124 students from all the 192 public secondary schools in Embu County. The study used a sample of 384 students, 97 teachers and 35 principals. The research instruments included questionnaires, interview schedule and observation checklists. From the correlation analysis student-teacher ratio and completion rate had a correlation of 0.625, adequacy of laboratories and enrolment rate had a correlation of 0.904 while cost of uniform and repetition rate had a correlation of 0.619. From the regression analysis the relationship between cost of stationery and dropout ratio was the most significant with a p-value of 0.000 followed by the one between the ratio of toilets to students and enrolment ratio with p-value of 0.001. The relationship between student-teacher ratio and completion ratio had a p-value of 0.003. The study did not find any significant relationship between adequacy of teaching and learning resources and quality of education. Based on these findings the study recommends that the government employs more teachers to alleviate teacher shortage. The government should also increase the maintenance and improvement fund and the tuition fund as well to enable the schools to acquire, maintain and improve their facilities and purchase the teaching and learning materials. The study also recommends for introduction of stipends to the very poor students to enable them afford educational expenses.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectEducational Resources, Quality of Education, Public Day Secondary Schools, Embu County, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleInfluence of Educational Resources on Quality of Education in Public Day Secondary Schools in Embu County, Kenyaen_US

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