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dc.contributor.authorMuthiora, Mercy K
dc.description.abstractAn essential objective of the Ministry of Education is to guarantee that every kid receives education of superior quality. Insufficient classroom teacher supervision, inadequate teacher capacity building, limited collaboration with stakeholders by the Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs), and substandard school infrastructure significantly impact the academic performance of pupils in Kenya. This study aimed to investigate the impact of curriculum support officers' actions on the academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Dagoretti North Sub County, Kenya. The research objectives were as follows: to assess the impact of capacity building of teachers by Curriculum Support Officers on students' academic achievement in Dagoretti North Sub County, to evaluate the effect of classroom teacher supervision by Curriculum Support Officers on students' academic achievement in Dagoretti North Sub County, to investigate the influence of collaboration activities with stakeholders implemented by Curriculum Support Officers on students' academic achievement in Dagoretti North Sub County, and to examine the impact of professional development and training programs for teachers facilitated by Curriculum Support Officers on students' academic achievement in Dagoretti North Sub County. The study included a target population of 200 teachers and 13 CSOs. A sample of 100 instructors and 13 CSOs was obtained using purposive and simple random sampling approaches. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire and interview schedule. Instrument validity was assessed by seeking the expert opinion of the university supervisor. The reliability of the instrument was assessed using a test-retest method. The data, presented in frequencies and percentages, was analyzed using descriptive statistics for both quantitative and qualitative variables with the assistance of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 22.0. The study found that enhancing the skills and knowledge of teachers, closely monitoring their performance in the classroom, promoting collaboration among teachers, and providing them with professional development and training programs are all strongly linked to improved academic performance of students in public secondary schools. The study suggests that the Government should prioritize enhancing the capacity building of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for secondary school teachers. This may be achieved by developing novel training methodologies that would provide educators with the necessary abilities to deliver high-quality instructional services. It is recommended to promote a learner-centered strategy that emphasizes active participation, rather than a teacher-centered oneen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleActivities of Curriculum Support Officers on Academic Achievement of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Dagoretti North Sub County, Kenyaen_US

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