case records and commentaries
The use of intrauterine device in 147 patients treated
in the Gynecological Unit at the Kenyatta National Hospital
for pelvic inflammatory disease, was compared with the use
in a sexually active,age -parity, matched,control group.
(34%) of the patients and (7.5%) of the controls were using
an I.U.D. Thus the relative risk of developing P.I.D.
was raised by 4.5 by I.U.D. use.
More than half the P.I.D. cases (68%) were between the
age group of 21 - 30 years, and in the same group the
majority of the I. U. D. wearers were found.
Among the I.U.D. users with P.I.D., 56% of the patients
developed P.I.D. within the first week of the last menstrual
Period and 78% within two wee ks 0 f the menses .
Only 8% of the cases developed P.I.D. within 3 months of
insertion of I.U.D.; and it is significant that 50% of the
cases had been using the device for 1 year.
Oral contraceptives were being taken by more controls
(33.3%) than patients (7.5%).
Master of medicine,(Obsterics and gynaecology)University of Nairobi,1992.Publisher
University of Nairobi Obsterics and gynaecology