A study of disciplinary attitudes of boarding and day students in some Ugandan Secondary Schools
The first?introductory chapter argues for the need for far-reaching changes in attitudes and values in developing societies. The yOlmg obviously hold the key to such changes: but in de'-r.;lopinsgocieties, as in advcmced countries9 alienation and disaffection of youth seem to constitute ~ th~eat to full use of
this potential, This is where the tencher, and school
discipline come ino
The second chapter reviews the essentials and aims of modern, progressive school discipline in the widest sense: that is, modern teaching methods gec,red trowar-sd meaningful learning are not seen as essentially separ able from modern approaches to control and good order. Individual and group self-chreotion m1.d the growth of independence of tectCher-imposed uut.ho.i.rty are argued
to be the essentials of this broad interpretation of discipline. Experimental and other re8eo.rch evidence
is put forward in support of such disciplinary approaohes. Disciplimcry attitudes are define:d f.n the terms of
four separate attitudes: attitude to teacher leadership
in the learning process; attitude to teacher control;
attitude to independent workj and attitude to school.
The third chapter reviews pressing problems of school discipline in Ugan du , and i ~ other African countries. Not only is the background of school "st ri.kee!' investi~ed, but also social and economic influences
giving r~se to misinterpretations of the purpose of education.
IJ the fourth chapter; contemporary boarding
.in d day Secondary oduce.t i.on in Ugrm du is reviewed, along with interpretation of the influence on current problems of 'ehe t.r-adLtion of bo ard i.ng in Eas'[; Afrj_cac Hypothoses are do t a.i.Led , postulnting tho>; duy soudont s an d boctrders a ttonding tho Sa::21Ue gzmdun Secondu:ry sr-ho ol.e , and the same cLa s so s in these schools, wi.L'L shoy'! significant differences be two en thuj_r disc:ipJ.:i..':1E'.r:ayt ta.tudc s , related to day and boarding attendc.nr;8 [1.Ssuch, In pr,rticular?
.i.t is hypothesised tho.t dew students \1:i.1l demonstrate more fnvournblo attitudes, in terms of attitude scale score s on forms upp Li.od in the expel~iElent:J.l part of this s tudy , 'l'his is in spite of the hardship and inconven ience frequently attendant on day studcrrt.s I living conditionso
Chapter V describes the oon s trraieb Lon of attitude
measurement instruments for use in the experiment? in cluding tho throe stages of a procedure aimed at checking tho linguistic suitnbility of written test I'laterial.
This chapter also describes the pilot study through which the provisional 8.ttitudc measureDent forms were
a s sc s s od and modLf Lod : the pilot s t udy LnvoLvc d n toto.l
of 112 stUdents from two Socondary schools.
The sixth and final chapter uoscribes the experi- ment involving 266 stUdents from two Secondary schools
in Kampalao Annlysis 0::: the resuJ's suggests the con
clusion that in the case of those two Knmpaln schools, day students arid their boarder oLaaamauoa have equally fnvourab)e disciplinary attitudes 'j in terms of the scores recorded"
Master of EducationPublisher
Univesity of Nairobi Department of Education
- Faculty of Education (FEd) [6046]