A Study of predictive validity of O-level, A-level and an aptitude test in relation to the performance at the University of Nairobi
This study is an empirical investigation to determine
the predictive validity of A-level, O-level and an aptitude
test in relation to performance at the University of Nairobi.
In this prediction study a sample of about 260 subjects was
used. The subjects were admitted to the University in
academic year 1972/73 and were students in the following
Agriculture, Arts, Architecture, Education and Medicine.
O-level and A-level are achievement tests done by
candidates after completing four and six years of secondary
school curriculum respectively. The candidates sitting for
the O-level do papers ranging from Geography t H.istory, English
language etc. (social sciences) to Biology, Mathematicst
Chemistry etc. (Pure Sciences). The candidates who proceed
on for A-level can either offer Arts.(social science) or
Science (Pure Science). The A-level is done after two years
of study after completion of O-level. Selection into A-level
classes is based solely on O-level performance.
The O-level and A-level grades and c~ores of an aptitude
test were used as predictor variables and the standardized
scores obtained~n University examinations were used as
criterion variables. The O-level grades and A-level grades
were weighted to make analysis possi~le. For O-level the
weigh~ing sy&tem of 9,8, ••••t2,1 was used for the grades 1,
2, •••• ,8,9 respectively i.e. grade 1 (the best O-level grade)
was giv7n a weight of 9 etc. For A-level a weighting system
of 6,5, ••••,1,0 was used for the grades A, •••• ,E,O and F
respectively. A similar kind of weighting system of A-level
is used by the selection Board of the University for their
selection purposes. The Board uses the A-level grades only.
The analyses based on the intercorrelations between variables
were carried out namely,
(i) Multiple regression analysis
and (ii) Canonical correlation analysis
It is usually felt that estimates of previous school
performance and maximum performance tests are not the only
categories of possible predictors. There are two other
possible types (Drenth, 1975):-
1. Personality variables .•
2. Miscellaneous category of biographical
information, antecedents, physical qualities,
socio-economic factors, linguistic, racial and
tribal background variables etc.
In this study, however, attention has been paid only to
previous school performance and maximum performance test
(aptitude test) in predicting performance at the University
of Nairobi.
The multiple regression analysis showed A-level to have
an appreciable redictive efficiency for university examinations
in these faculties;
(i)~ Architecture during second and third year
(ii) Medicine in both first and second year •
O-level has pred~c~ive efficiency in medicine during first
year. The aptitude test score bas a predictive efficiency in
- 3 -
faculties of:-
(i) Agriculture during first and third year
and (ii) Education in first year.
For the faculty of Medicine the study showed that the
set consisting of O-level, A-level and English language is
more efficient as a predictor of first and second year
university examination than best single predictor, A-level.
For Architecture the optimum prediction can be achieved by
considering A-level and aptitude test when we take second
year uni versi ty examination as a cri terion. The optimum
prediction can be obtained by considering ..aptitude test,
O-level and Mathematics in faculty of Education when first
year performance is taken as a criterion.
The canonical correlation analysis showed it is only
in faculty of Medicine in which the set of five predictors
(i.e. English language grade, Mathematics grade, O-level
grade aggragate, A-level grade aggr~gate and aptitude test
score) can predict the university success at level of
significant less than 0.05. The university success (a linear
combination of either two or three criterion variables) can
be predicted w~h greater accuracy for medical students
followed by Architecture, Arts, Education and lastly
Agriculture students.
The study has shown that A-level does exhibit ....-"
satisfactory preaictive validity but not in all faculties
consid~red, hence the evidence in the study does not lend
strong support to use of A-level for selection to all faculties
in the University.
Master of educationPublisher
University of Nairobi CEES
- Faculty of Education (FEd) [6022]