Eco- Industrial Parks and their Potential Contribution to Sustainable Industrialization
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) dominate and playa key role i,: socialan economic development of Africa. They are also responsible for between 5 an
25% of the GDPs of the countries. This contribution to GDP is growing steadilyi
most countries at rates in the range 1 - 8%. Above all, these SMEs employ 5-15
of the economically active population outside agriculture in Africa (UNEP2004).
However, this favourable development picture, that is responsible for the rapid
urbanization being witnessed in many African countries today, is not sustainable
since it has been achieved at a great cost to the environment and society. Natural
resources continue to be depleted and pollution Of terrestrial, atmospheric and
aquatic systems increasingly rising to serious levels in most African countries.
Industrial pollution around capital cities and other economically important towns
now presents new challenges to local authorities.